3 Essential Interior Tips for Your Medical Office


Is your medical office in need of an updated design that better reflects your brand and vision? Designing an office that is patient focused, comfortable and modern allows for your clients and patients to feel welcomed and at ease when visiting you.

Create a memorable stay and a positive impression by incorporating these 3 tips into your office, whether that be with a professional like MTI or by yourselves!

Bring the Outdoors in with a Touch of Greenery

There are many proven benefits to including greenery in your next medical office. One of the main ones being reduced stress levels. It’s known that nervous patients make others around them nervous as well, maintaining a serene environment helps to reduce stress levels for an overall comforting environment. Apart from providing a calming environment for patients, keeping your staff focused is another added benefit of greenery in your office. It’s proven that adding greenery increases your staff’s productivity by at least 15%, making it a perfect way to optimize the accomplished work in the day. 

Lastly, adding greenery as an overall decor element helps to create a fresh atmosphere and pleasant view for visitors, which will in turn assist in leave a positive lasting impression to your patients. So next time you think about adding a decorative element to your space, adding something as simple as a vibrant and healthy plant goes a long way.

Know When to Use the Right Colors

The choosing of colors is a much more crucial element of designing a medical office than you might think! Consider the type of office you are designing for. When designing an office used primarily for patients who are children, think of more vibrant and bright colors such as yellows and oranges. This promotes a welcoming and childlike atmosphere to make children feel more comfortable. 

If you’re promoting to adult patients, think of more calming tones. This will give a more comforting effect to your more mature patients. Consider add blues or greens mixed with more neutral tones for a subdued effect. As professional designers we consider color theory vital when working with our clients, in both residential and commercial projects.

Choosing the Right Fabrics

It’s no secret that your patients want to be comfortable if they end up spending a long time in a reception space. Think of comfort when choosing your furniture pieces and fabrics for durability.

Take into consideration the right materials that can be easily managed, especially in today's world that requires constant keeping up to keep germs at bay. Choose materials that can be easily cleaned, while still achieving the overall goal of a pleasing space for your patients to relax and find comfort. The most long-lasting and easy to clean fabrics are typically going to be blends and engineered combinations. Natural materials like cotton, linen, and silk may not hold up in high traffic areas like a reception space, we recommend opting for commercial high-performance blends.

Designing a medical or dental office should be a positive and exciting experience. Whether that be small updates like adding greenery around your office to incorporate freshness and vibrancy or more in depth interior design choices such as fabric and color palette options, the MTI team is here to assist you. Let us reflect the quality of your service through professionally curated, patient focused interiors for your staff and visitors to enjoy for your years to come.

When you are ready to transform your medical office space, our team is ready to help. Schedule a consultation with us today, we look forward to hearing from you!